On paper, this PC looks perfect, but in reality :
-You're not buying a PC, you're buying a tubine! A little goes a long way and you're in for some decibels.
-I have to wear earplugs to play dofus!
-It won't turn anything because the PC crashes as soon as the temperature rises, yes yes, even if our turboreactor mentioned above is blowing the wall out!
-A BSOD every day (despite having been formatted 3 times in 6 months).
-Unless you're looking for spare parts, good luck if you've broken something (hello my right hinge).
-No numeric keypad, LOL !!!! well that's something I should have been careful about
-grosso modo it's crap. Don't buy this
+ The screen is really beautiful, really!
+ The sound is not bad at all.
+ the design
There must be some things missing, of course, but on the negative side. On the plus side, I can't think of anything else.