average helmet for the price
it's a good helmet but it's not worth the price
although it is some good idea it also has a lot of flaws
although light, wearing it for a long time hurts the top of the ears
no isolation you can still hear perfectly what is going on around you
touching or moving the microphone makes the earphones crackle (software adjustment problem?)
there's some kind of cable or imperfection that runs under the fabric of each earphone
the bass is not very powerful, even when set to font
you have to turn off the software after each use, otherwise even with my 2.1 at font I can't hear a thing
the software is full of useless options but lacks essential options such as deactivating the option to listen to the microphone (not found?)
the noise reduction option is not precisely adjustable despite the removable bar, it's either too much or not enough
contrary to what the advert says, you have to remove the headset to be able to swap the batteries, so you can't change the batteries while you're playing
the device on the desk is only in English with only one colour (white) and is not practical to use and is not detectable, but it does display useful basic info, so it's good...
the audio quality is no better than my old €150 headphones and the same but with less bass
I was able to listen to the recording of my track via an equalizer thanks to an option on the headphones and I was expecting better given the tons of microphones there are... (au moins ont peut donner une voie fassont fallout avec les réglage^^)
perso si je devait donner un prix a ce casque en l'état actuel (surtout a cause du logiciel steelseries gg) 150€...200€ a cause des finition et de la solidité qu'il a l'air d'avoir grand max certainement pas 400€...