I already had a Sennheiser Game One, at the same price, which was starting to have false contacts. The H6Pro is clearly the worthy successor, more comfortable both in the ears and on top of the head, even the sound seems better. The markers on the headband make it easier to adjust when you carry it around regularly, but it remains to be seen whether it will withstand repeated adjustments (this is what ended up causing false contacts on the other one). The cable is also of better quality, resisting better the deformation caused by rolling it up for transport.
The fact that it is open (but so was the previous one) means that it can of course be worn for hours on end without discomfort and that you can remain aware of your surroundings. It's also much more natural when you talk (since you can hear yourself talking without needing software feedback), which is the last point that disturbs me the most when I have to use a closed headset again.