decent but can do better
It's a nice helmet that fits the head well (despite the size of my head [size L/XL]), but does not compress the skull. The leather is nice for the moment and does not stick (winter season, I will see for this summer).
The microphone is detachable, with a foam on it, and in addition a soft plastic cover on the helmet to hide the insert.
The volume button is on the left and works very well. And the one on the right, for the haptic, which allows you to adjust the intensity and it vibrates quite well. There's also a white light to indicate if the haptic is activated right next to the right-hand dial.
Sometimes the headset is no longer detected by the pc, and I don't know why. I've noticed that this happens a lot when I activate the haptic, which is a shame because it's one of its features.
The headset is a bit expensive for what's on the market for how old it is.
I'm keeping it anyway as I don't have any spare ones, and it does the job, but I'd probably get another headset and keep this one as a secondary.