Why not ...
Used to find an easy way to save my important documents, without being readable by anyone.
Rather a good idea, this digital pad directly on the USB key to enter its encryption password. Now there are several concerns:
* although there is a manual, the use of the key is complicated, the key combinations are a bit counter-intuitive
* Linux compatibility, to be reviewed (key not detected, despite a kernel always at the latest version available)
* the integrated encryption seems ... not very useful, a search on your favourite search engine will give you a good idea of its level
If you are under GNU/Linux, a simple USB/HDD key with software encryption will suffice (tcplay, cryptsetup, etc) and will be simpler (don't take small keys, they tend to get lost easily, and have the annoying habit of heating up a lot, reducing their life span).
So for the concept 2.5.