Reinventing the wheel... well the disc
Let's face it, there are some data that we occasionally need, that are not that big once compressed, but that in the long run end up taking up a lot of space on the hard drive... typically video games. That's where the good old burning disc comes in (you still need a compatible drive, of course)!
I ordered this pack of 5 Blu-rays of 25 GB each to save some of the Steam games I'm not playing at the moment. That way, I won't regret uninstalling them. The best part is that these are rewritable discs, so they won't be permanently useless when I update them. All I have to do is burn them again!
In the age of dematerialisation, I'm back to basics: the physical installation disc. Nevertheless, for my use, it is still the most suitable. To be recommended to Internet users who, like me, cannot or do not want to download everything again and again.