Very good DDR5 ram
I get very good scores with this ram, recognized without any problem by the BIOS up to date, XMP profile and customizable profiles, does not exceed 42°C in my tower in full load of course and in idle (office, internet) around 28/30°C. I share some scores on AIDA 64 in version beta which recognizes well the ram, these timings time, etc... So in reading: 80108Mb/s in writing: 73826Mb/s and in copying: 72570Mb/s latency 79/80... The downside: Its price and its rarity! I've been using it for a while now, but I'm not going to change anything, so I've switched to a DDR5 motherboard and the ram that goes with it. I'm happy with it, so I should be ok for a few years.