Very good product, but...
So overall, the product does its job, the clip is sturdy and fits well on the screen without damaging it. The grip is also decent and it doesn't compress the phone so there's no risk of it breaking or falling off in horizontal mode at the top of the screen.
However, I had made this purchase for this particular situation to use my smartphone as a webcam. Unfortunately, the mount is not swivel and so I am forced to tilt my screen backwards to get my lens axis back in line.
I guess the reason the product was not designed this way is to avoid adding a point of weakness to the product and all the mechanical problems that come with it.
It is a minor inconvenience, but it does detract from my user experience.
One last point, the instructions state that to reverse the removable feet, you need to use a flat screwdriver. No screws on the product, so I imagine a simple clip system. But it would have been good to indicate the manoeuvre to be carried out with a small diagram on the instructions. At the moment, I don't even want to take the risk of breaking everything.