Very reliable and fast, for professional applications
Very fast U.2 NVMe SSD - over 3,200 MB/s read and 1,200 MB/s write; very safe - data protected by supercapacity write in case of power failure; and very reliable - specifies 1.4 petabytes of write time, which gives it a few years before it wears out Perfect for large NAS or professional servers. Used in cache on a QNAP TS-h973AX-32G with excellent results: they do the job perfectly and are completely forgotten. The price is high, as is the case with all pro equipment (a Samsung 980 M.2 PCIE with U.2 adapter is 30% cheaper for even better performance, especially in terms of writing, but it has a lifetime limit of 600TB, 60 times less, and does not have the writing security of WD).