Website terms

Type of company: public limited company

Social Capital: €1,110,919.68

RCS of Lyon: 403 554181


E-mail, please use form below

VAT number : FR 26 403 554181

Website's host:  LDLC Group

Publishing director: Laurent de la Clergerie

Phone numbers (head office switchboard): Tel: +33 (0)4 72 52 37 77 Fax: +33 (0)4 72 52 37 78 Monday to Friday from 9am to 12:30pm and from 1:45pm to 6pm (Paris time)

Website manager: Laurent de la Clergerie

Website's host:  LDLC Group

Publishing director: Laurent de la Clergerie


Groupe LDLC agent of HIPAY ME (Marketplace)

Groupe LDLC has been appointed as agent for HIPAY ME, a licensed electronic money institution under Belgian law, with a capital of €54,826,000.00, registered in the register of legal entities under number 0897928802 (whose registered office is located at 19 Avenue des Volontaires - 1160 AUDERGHEM - BELGIUM). This institution offers you to put you through HIPAY ME in order to open a payment account with HIPAY ME, conclude a payment services agreement with HIPAY ME and then to process your commercial transactions (Terms & Conditions)). The Terms & Conditions will be included in the membership contract signed between the seller and LDLC Group. Information about the approval issued by the BNB (National Bank of Belgium) to HIPAY ME can be consulted by clicking on the following link.


ORIAS registration

Groupe LDLC is registered with the ORIAS in the unique Register of Insurance, Banking and Finance Intermediaries under the registration number 20009100, as a non-exclusive agent in banking and payment services (MOBSP) and as an insurance intermediary agent (MIA). Supervisory authority: ACPR (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution) - 4 Place de Budapest - CS 92459 - 75436 PARIS CEDEX 09 -


Intellectual property

We inform you that any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, by any means of this site, the logos and images that may appear on it, is prohibited without the express authorisation of the LDLC Groupe and would be considered as counterfeiting punished by articles L 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.


Privacy policy

Our data protection policy is available here

You can make a request in relation to the right to object, the right of access, the right of rectification, the right to erasure, the right to restriction or limitation of processing or the right to data portability here



In accordance with article L156-1 of the French Consumer Code, the consumer is informed of the possibility of having recourse, in the event of a dispute, to a conventional mediation procedure or to any other alternative dispute resolution method. Groupe LDLC is a member of the Fédération du e-commerce et de la vente à distance (FEVAD) as well as the e-commerce mediation service (60 rue la Boétie - 75008 PARIS). The consumer is also informed of the existence of the online platform created by the European Commission, which purpose is to collect any complaints arising from an online purchase by European consumers and then to forward the cases received to the competent national mediators :


Careers management and application/hiring management software



23 rue d’Aumale, 75009 Paris,

R.C.S. Paris n° 534 776 349 00050 with a capital of €43,986